11 Mirrors Design Hotel

The Art of word: 11 Mirrors and “Book Arsenal” partnership


The biggest art and literature event in Ukraine – the international festival “Book Arsenal”– will take part in Kyiv on the 22-26th of April 2015. This year the festival is going to celebrate its 5th anniversary and invites inspired readers and book-lovers to join the world of literature and art.

The festival’s concept is intertwining with 11 Mirrors Design Hotel core values: authenticity, creativity and modern art. Such fundamental base has become a starting point for fruitful collaboration between “Book Arsenal” and the finest boutique hotel in Kiev. 11 Mirrors is the official partner of “Book Arsenal” for several years in a row and is streaming to develop Ukrainian culture and art worldwide.

11 Mirrors Design Hotel is a perfect place for creative minds, young and talented artists, art lovers where they can feel the atmosphere of harmony and creativity, stay inspired and widen their creative potential with new open-minding ideas. 11 Mirrors is the boutique hotel where everyone is welcomed as a family member.

“Book Arsenal” is going to entertain visitors with lots of fascinating events during the festival. More than 150 prominent publishing houses and international partners, presentations of new books, meetings with famous authors, lections, discussions, public interviews, readings and theater performances will be acting during the festival in Mystetskiy Arsenal.

International literature guru, masters of the word and real art lovers: Karl Schlögel, Hiroaki Kuromiya, Luigi Serafini, Tobias Voss, Karel Schwarzenberg, Jacek Dehnel, Janusz Leon Wisniewski and others are expected to be present during the festival.

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