11 Mirrors Design Hotel

Stories of 11 Mirrors – Liana Satenstein


“A certain hype can be absolutely detrimental to the fashion culture of a country” is what Liana Satenstein thinks of trends that tend to overshadow the local talent.

During the First International Young Designers Contest organized by Ukrainian Fashion Week, 11 Mirrors Design Hotel has had a chance to host and interview Liana Satenstein, a journalist, an Eastern Europe enthusiast, and a fashion news writer who has been involved with a multitude of magazines among which are Vogue, Vogue Ukraine, British Vogue, Elle.com, and Fashionista.

“There is a deep history here, it’s not just about Vyshyvankas or the blue and yellow. There is much more beyond that. Talking to designers here (Ukraine) gave me a perspective on how they take different experience from their growing up – their past and put it in their collections. Even if the collection is completely contemporary, you can still find something Ukrainian in it, an ethnical spin”, reflected Liana on the trends coming over Ukraine.

Liana Satenstein is certainly famous for her utmost love of the Eastern European culture, seen constantly traveling from continent to continent and visiting the most modest of suburban destinations. With an experience of studying in Saint Petersburg under her belt and her fluent knowledge of Russian language, Liana seems to comfortably levitate amidst the two completely contrasting societies. One day she is interviewing Bella Hadid’s bodyguard on his fashion odyssey and just a short while later she is traveling to the civilized wilderness of the Ukrainian west.

“I wouldn’t say that there is a different mentality between the US and Eastern Europe when it comes to fashion. In the time of social media and technological progress, everything seems to be forming into one. However, Ukraine is developing at a very fast rate and possesses a big hub of creativity. It might have to do something with the revolution, which I believe has created a breeding ground for creatives coming together”, added Liana.

The question What’s next seems to always stutter most under the barrel, however Liana seems to have a relatively clear understanding of her future engagements.

“I love what I do, I love meeting new designers and there is not much I would like to change at the moment. However, a book seems like the next logical progression. Maybe”.

Hosting Liana and the other juries of First International Young Designers Contest was an absolute bliss and we look forward to sharing more stories of those who choose 11 Mirrors Design Hotel.

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