11 Mirrors Design Hotel

Royal Dinner with Michelin-Starred Chef


11 Mirrors Design Hotel becomes a partner of a big gastro event.

On 23-24 November, the Citronelle restaurant hosts Royal Hunt – an exclusive seven-course dinner with a two-Michelin-starred chef.

Born in Lyon, Paul Burgalieres is coming to Kyiv to treat attendees to a celebration of splendid delicacies. Currently, he is a Head Chef at L’Encume in Cumbria, one of the UK’s top restaurants, according to Waitrose Good Food Guide.

Paul has been working only with the most refined and award winning places, including Geranium (Denmark), Christopher Coutanceau (France) and L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon (London). Besides, Pauls’ family owns a network of popular boucherie (meat shops).

As the dinner name suggests, Paul will cook wild game to showcase his best skills and talents.

A partner of many cultural and social events, 11 Mirrors is happy to be part of Grand Michelin Citronelle Dinner thus contributing to Kyiv’s growing culinary scene that keeps growing and becoming more vibrant, more diverse.

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