11 Mirrors Design Hotel

Lighting Design Awards recognizes 11 Mirrors a World Class Bar


This year, 11 Mirrors Rooftop Restaurant & a World Class Bar has been recognized by Lighting Design Awards for its complex lighting scheme created by a prominent Ukrainian lighting design company – Expolight. Alongside DEOL Partners and under the lead of Nikolay Kabluka, Expolight’s founder, the company has integrated several avant-garde implementations, which have completely transformed the panoramic space.

Among the integrated elements – a patterned mirror with a sandblasted ornament, onto which is projected a 3D-mapping capable of a multitude of dynamic graphics; a media illumination with 16 different palettes hidden within a vertical lamella of mirrors located along the curvilinear entrance corridor – and these are just a few of the honorable mentions.

The lighting design has truly made 11 Mirrors rooftop what it is now – an always changing, evolving space that provides you with a new experience every time you enter. You can never step into the same river twice and same can be said about 11 Mirrors Rooftop Restaurant & a World Class Bar.

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