11 Mirrors Design Hotel

Grand Opening of 11 Mirrors Luxury Hotels Kyiv


After the soft opening in June 2012 Eleven Mirrors Luxury Hotels Kyiv celebrated its Grand Opening on the 22nd of November 2012.

The gala evening started with welcoming speeches of Ruslan Oleksenko, managing partner of DEOL Partners, Christian Malcher, Design Hotels™ Global Director of Sales & Marketing and Wladimir Klitschko, who inspired the whole concept of 11 Mirrors.

Ukrainian celebrities – Alexander Shovkovskiy and Olga Alenova, Michael Kavitsky, Olga Gorbachova, Sergey Krivosheya, Vitaly Borisyuk, Daniel Grachev, Anastasia Slichnaya, Marusya Koval and others – joined the Grand Opening party and shared their impressions about 11 Mirrors Design Hotel.

Video from the Grand Opening Party


More pictures find on 11 Mirrors Facebook

11 Mirrors Design Hotel is the first and only design hotel in Kyiv and recently also became the first Design HotelsTM Member in Eastern Europe and the CIS. Design HotelsTM – a curated selection of 260 independent hotels in 43 countries across the globe. DEOL Partners is the managing and development company of 11 Mirrors Design Hotel, and a leader on the local real-estate market.

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