Culture Guide: Our Theatre Picks for October 2019

Culture Guide: Our Musical Picks for October 2019


Golden autumn, lyrical mood and unique voices that conquered millions of hearts.
This month should be filled with music, dances and pleasant communication. For instance, you can enjoy a concert – jazz, symphony or pop-music. So what’s on the horizon this month?

3 October 2019 ZETETICS

Creativity is like love on the edge. The endless balance between burning heart and life, from which you say goodbye every time. Through such a small death art is born and the fullness of life is felt. The new album by Zetetics is about finding yourself in the streams of the present and the creative.
Zetetics have everything to become part of world music culture - proving it with each new album. Melodious guitars, broken rhythms and soulful, existential lyrics. Be the first to feel the sound of the new Zetetics album.

17 October 2019 DAKH DAUGHTERS

This group has no analogues in the Ukrainian music scene. Their work is a combination of extravagant images, classical instruments and experimental sound. Ukrainian folk, French rap and reggae jams, these are the components that the group organically combines in their music. Their songs are different non-linear parts. At first it may seem that this is just a cacophony of sounds, but after a moment you are picked up by the rhythm and you understand the author’s subtle creative idea. Dakh Daughters is intellectual music for modern people. Music makes you think and make a choice. This is the manifesto of a reasonable man.

Expect an incredible combination of music and theater and female charisma.

20 October 2019 SCARLXRD

Already this fall, Ukraine will shudder from the hip-hop mix, trap and metal. Sounds impossible? Marius Listrop proves to the music industry that anything is possible. And it does this successfully over the past few years under the pseudonym Scarlxrd.
Only in 2019 he had two full-length records. The first - Infinity - was released in March. The second - Immxrtalisatixn - is preparing to see the light in September. Listrop works at maximum speeds and shows that even a momentary idea can become a full-fledged art. Otherwise, where does he have so much material?
But the juice is "live" Scarlxrd. Some people call it musical terrorism, others - an excellent emotional discharge after a long working day. Marius along with his DJ provoke the crowd, climb on the balconies and jump from them, tear their throats and push people with their foreheads.
It is definitely worth trying out for yourself.

23 October 2019 CELTIC LEGENDS

In 2001, in Ireland, on the pristine, beautiful hills of Connemara, the dance group Celtic Legends began their tour around the world. The performance, consisting of traditional Irish dances and music, was seen in almost all corners of our planet. All music is performed live!
The sound of traditional Irish musical instruments - the violin with its crazy trill, the Celtic drum, which sets the rhythm for the whole orchestra, and the sad tunes of the Irish bagpipe, as well as the incendiary dances that return us to the roots of ancient traditions, so heat the atmosphere that the audience seems to be in the oldest Ireland, with its life, culture, music and its own incomparable heartbeat.
Dancers conquer the stage with beautiful lightning movements. Complex group numbers are enriched with solo parts, which become the decoration of the performance - traditionally Irish, lively, colorful and truly unforgettable!
Join two hours of extravaganza of dance and music, filled with a wealth of Irish talent!

25 October 2019 ONUKA AND NAONI

MOZAЇKA by ONUKA & NAONI is an interactive project in which music, video and messaging form a single entity. Conceptually-completed message is scalable to perform with a whole orchestra in a unique atmosphere of the Palace. A long-awaited show from one of the most interesting projects of contemporary Ukrainian music, already known in many countries of the world.
For the first time in Kiev. New ONUKA show based on the second album MOZAЇKA (2018), accompanied by the National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Ukraine (NAONI). More than 50 musicians on stage and more than 40 national instruments.
Listen live deep and penetrating sound of hits and new songs.

31 October 2019 MICHAEL GIRA

Michael Gira is one of the most famous names in music - his group Swans is rightly considered to be almost the loudest in the world. However, this time we will hear Michael completely different - only he and the guitar will be on the stage.
The program includes a solo performance of songs by Swans and Angels of Light, according to the original Swans member Norman Westberg, in the spirit of "Gothic Johnny Cash". By the way, it is Norman Westberg and his guitar with the cinematic instrumental program that will become special guests of the concert.
Immerse yourself in the amazing atmosphere of an acoustic concert!

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