11 Mirrors Design Hotel

Contemporary art-exhibition by Masha Shubina at 11 Mirrors Design Hotel


On June 7, Masha Shubina, a prominent Ukrainian artist, will present her art-exhibition “Personal Reflection”, that will take place at Ukraine’s first design hotel – 11 Mirrors. The location of the event wasn’t selected at random. 11 Mirrors constantly supports and engages in contemporary art projects and collaborates with both local and international artists. In addition, the concept of the hotel directly invites you to “find your own reflection”. The exhibition will be on display until June 14, featuring 11 paintings, created during XVI International Architecture Biennale, which started a week earlier in Venice.

Perception of art and its message is always a very personal experience. Most of the time it’s not even our fantasy, but experience, education, and environment that dictate how we perceive art, even more than the ideas of the artist, they leave their mark on the work. Reality from different perspectives.

“Personal Reflection” collection shares the main values of 11 Mirrors Design Hotel – ambition to self-exploration, sentiment in details and personal, trembling approach. That is why Masha Shubina’s exhibition is going to be a harmonic addition to the atmosphere of the boutique hotel.

“11 Mirrors Design Hotel always supports the art that inspires people to rediscover themselves and widen their horizons. Contemporary art, especially Masha’s, is unique due to its interpretation; everyone can find in it a part of themselves – their reflection”, commented Ruslan Oleksenko, one of the Originals of 11 Mirrors Design Hotel, on the opening of “Personal Reflection” art-exhibition.

One of the first personal art-exhibitions, such as “Home Work” and “SelfPortret”, Masha Shubina held in 2005 and since then has presented both Ukraine and Europe with various extraordinary contemporary art-works. In addition, in 2009, Shubina received a special PinchukArtCentre award for her art piece “My religion”. Her approach to art is considered to be unordinary and it mostly bases on her own experience, however, that exact approach has brought her to such remarkable success.

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