11 Mirrors Design Hotel

Confidence in all


Water is a must-have component of our healthy life. And while travelling we often ask ourselves - can i drink tap water in my hotel’s room or is it perfectly pure and will it be good for my skin as well as for my health? 11 Mirrors Design Hotel, one of the best luxury hotels in Kyiv, has implemented the cutting-edge water treatment technology. Due to the innovative approach all guests of our unique boutique hotel have an access to the perfectly pure tap water that guests can even drink. Tap water in 11 Mirrors’ corresponds to Drinking Water Ordinances of EU and Ukraine.

“Water is essential part of human life. As #1 boutique hotel in Kiev, 11 Mirrors is constantly looking for development of our guests’ comfort streaming to create additional lifestyle-based values. Not accidentally we have invited experts from REDO Water, well-known innovative german-based company with their eco-friendly water treatment solutions to Kyiv to develop special program for our hotel” – comments Maryna Rymarenko, Strategic Development Director at 11 Mirrors.

11 Mirrors’ tap water quality is confirmed by authorized department of Ukrainian Ministry of Health and also corresponds to European set of requirements for tap water. In order to guarantee the level of quality for long term, the hotel has applied the environmentally friendly, efficient and distinguished with the German Federal Innovative Award REDO Water treatment technology (Germany). Premium quality drinking water is being provided completely without the addition of chemicals, with only a few grams of common salt.

“Our guests take particular attention to their health, appearance and well-being. We are happy to provide new level of quality in all things, even such traditional as tap water to their common lifestyle while staying in 11 Mirrors. As a boutique hotel in Kiev, details matter for us above all and our guests benefit from this concept each time”, - says Iryna Dzhulai, Resident Manager at 11 Mirrors.

Looking forward to welcome you in 11 Mirrors, unique boutique hotel in Kiev!

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