11 Mirrors Design Hotel

Ballet Stars in Kyiv: 11 Mirrors is Partner to Unique Performance


A boutique hotel with a lifestyle focus, 11 Mirrors continues to contribute to Kyiv’s culture scene and support all major events related to Art, Fashion and Design.

This time we are happy to be an official partner to two amazing ballets starring world-class dancers Katja Khaniukova and François Alu.

Since 2014, Kyiv-born Katja Khaniukova has been a soloist of the famous English National Ballet. Highly acclaimed by British critics, she has earned many international awards for her virtuoso technique, elegant style and capability of embracing both classical and contemporary repertories. Now she is coming to her native city to shine in two one-act performances – Petipa’s legendary Paquita and Fokin’s mysterious Scheherazade.

Katja’s partner is François Alu, a charismatic dancer endowed with athletic capacities and a strong energy, who became the youngest first soloist of the Paris Opera Ballet. His dramatic performance, bright individuality and irresistible charm make all his appearances on stage memorable.

11 Mirrors invites you all to experience new emotions and enjoy a wonderful evening of good dance and good taste that will take place on 7 October at 19.00, at National Opera of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50).

This autumn offers plenty of exciting options to ballet connoisseurs and theatregoers. We are always happy to help you choose the best event for you.

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