11 Mirrors Design Hotel

11 Mirrors – Ukraine’s Leading Boutique Hotel according to World Travel Awards 2018


On June 30, took place the gala ceremony of World Travel Awards, which was held in the Zappeion Megaron Hall in the city of Athens, Greece, where 11 Mirrors was named Ukraine’s Leading Boutique Hotel for the fourth consecutive time.

World Travel Awards, a brand that this year celebrates its 25th anniversary, is undeniably one of the most well-known and reputable awards in the hospitality and tourism industries. The award ceremony, organized under the auspices of Ministry of Tourism (Hellenic Republic) and the city of Athens, has gathered the leading specialists of all branches of the travel industry to celebrate highest achievements and remarkable success.

“On behalf of the entire 11 Mirrors Design Hotel team, I would like to thank our amazing guests and partners for their constant support, which is an infinite source of motivation for our work. As for the future path of the hotel, our main goals remain – to continue creating unique lifestyle atmosphere for our guests and to contribute to the appeal of Kyiv as an ultimate destination for travelers from across the world”, commented Maryna Leo, General Manager of 11 Mirrors Design Hotel.

World Travel Awards trophy, before anything else, is a guarantee of an excellent quality and exceptional service, therefore, this award is highly valued in both the professional field and among the globetrotters.

For 11 Mirrors Design Hotel this is a milestone achievement, which inspires us for new innovations and services that will allow us to continue providing our guests with unforgettable experience and emotions.

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