11 Mirrors Design Hotel

11 Mirrors Design Hotel shortlisted for Haute Grandeur Global Hotel Awards 2018


It is the guests and their reviews that dictate the direction of improvements and changes in the service and the hotel. We value and listen to the feedback, because we believe that it is fundamental to our growth. Haute Grandeur created a fair and transparent evaluation system and we are honored to be nominated for the second time

11 Mirrors Design Hotel began its journey with Haute Grandeur when received their first award in 2016. This year, 11 Mirrors receives the nomination again.

The aim of Haute Grandeur award – to reward the achievements and success in the hotel industry around the world, as well as to recognize the hotels who have contributed to the growth and development of the industry. Haute Grandeur Award is received only by the most successful of the hotels; therefore, the program is considered one of the most reputable in its field and the winners make it to a handpicked list of best hotels in the world.

The Haute Grandeur award ceremony is not a simple gala dinner, but a landmark event that highlights the value of leadership, hard work, determination, ambitions, and success. This year’s ceremony will take place on November 1 in a 5-star luxury hotel Palazzo Versace Dubai (Dubai, Arab Emirates).

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