11 Mirrors Design Hotel

11 Mirrors appears on the new KLITSCHKO site


On June 7, Wladimir Klitschko, one of 11 Mirrors’ inspirers, held an exclusive event in Hamburg’s Elbphilharmonie concert hall to announce big changes in his career and present the KLITSCHKO brand.

Wladimir Klitschko took his guests on a digital tour, using 3D projections to display his expertise, his challenge management, his sub-brands, companies and partnerships using over 300 sq. m of screens. 11 Mirrors was also introduced as his partner to the European audiences, in front of over 200 guests representing business, politics, media and sport.

“In a quarter of a century of competitive sport, I developed methods for achieving lasting success and transferred them into the professional and personal sphere. I want to pass on this experience,” said Wladimir Klitschko, explaining why he has now been working on his ‘career after the career’ for over a decade.

A key component of the brand is the new website. Apart from every facet of the veteran heavyweight world champion, it covers news about all the KLITSCHKO sub-brands, companies and partners, including 11 Mirrors Design Hotel.

From now on, you can learn more about us on the www.klitschko.com in four languages – English, Ukrainian, German, and Russian.

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