11 Mirrors Design Hotel

11 Mirrors again earned world’s recognition by winning World Luxury Hotel Awards 2017


11 Mirrors Design Hotel added yet another international trophy to its collection. This time 11 Mirrors was recognized as a leader by World Luxury Hotel Awards in three categories for Ukraine:

- Best Design Hotel
- Best City Hotel
- Best Boutique Hotel

The winners of the World Luxury Hotel Awards 2017 were revealed at the Gala Awards Ceremony in St. Moritz (Switzerland) on December 2, 2017. The event brought together hotel owners and CEOs, key industry insiders, travel and lifestyle opinion-makers, media partners from all over the world.

“We are pleased to receive such a high recognition in 3 categories at once. I want to mention how sincerely grateful I’m to our united team what made it happened. Everyday our team creates value to our guests, bringing excellent service, genius warmth and smiles, of course. We are proud to be named Ukraine’s Best Boutique Hotel but it won’t stop us to grow further and achieve next accomplishments”, – commented Maryna Leo (Rymarenko), General Manager of 11 Mirrors and Partner for strategic development, investments and hospitality at DEOL Partners (11 Mirrors’ developer and operator).

Established in 2006, World Luxury Hotel Awards is the pinnacle of achievement in the luxury hotel industry offering international recognition as voted by guests, travelers and industry players alike. Over 300 000 international travelers vote each year, during a four-week period to select the winners. Judging criteria is based on service delivery, luxury and presentation.

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