11 Mirrors Design Hotel

11 Mirrors acquires Travellers’ Choice Award for the fifth year in succession


For the fifth year in succession, 11 Mirrors Design Hotel enters TripAdvisor’s hall of fame, acquiring yet another victory in three major categories of Travellers’ Choice Awards.

In 2018, 11 Mirrors has the following ranking among the hotels in Ukraine:

- No. 1 among top 25 Hotels
- No. 1 among top 10 Hotels for Service
- No. 2 among top 10 Luxury Hotels

Maryna Leo, General Manager of 11 Mirrors and Partner for strategic development, investments and hospitality at DEOL Partner commented on the recent victory of Travellers’ Choice Awards – “We are grateful to receive awards from TripAdvisor, as they accurately represent the recognition of our international and local guests. It is also an indication that we are moving in the right direction and successfully meet travelers’ expectations for quality service and unique experience. We look forward to the accomplishments of the 2018 and continue our journey of success“.

Iryna Dzhulai, Head of Operations at 11 Mirrors reflected on the TripAdvisor awards: “Receiving this award at the beginning of a new year is a source of motivation and encouragement. This achievement provides us with confidence to implement new ideas and developments. In addition, these awards act as a great reminder that success lies in consistent innovation and growth, which perfectly describes our plans for 2018 and the years to come.”

With that said, 11 Mirrors Design Hotel continues to provide the service that people deserve. 2018 is taking off and promises a time of new ideas and remarkable achievements.

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